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The Average Age of Marriage by State (Must Read)

According to studies, marriage as a whole has been declining over the past 50 years. For instance, in 1960, roughly 15 percent of adults over 18 years of age were never married. Since then, the percent has climbed to 28 percent. In the meantime, the median age for first marriages has also climbed with the median age in 1960 being 20.8 years (women) and 22.8 years (men) to 26.5 years (women) and 28.7 years (men). Additionally, the trend for millennials seems to be shifting where average marriage age goes well into the 30s.

There are also variances in marital age by state. New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey have the highest median ages for first marriages, while Utah, Idaho, Arkansas, and Oklahoma are among the lowest median ages.
According to recent studies, the following reflects the median ages by U.S. state and gender:

State Women Men
Alabama 25.8 27.4
Alaska 25.0 27.4
Arkansas 24.8 26.3
Arizona 26.2 28.1
California 27.3 29.5
Colorado 26.1 28.0
Delaware 26.9 29.0
Florida 27.2 29.4
Georgia 26.3 28.3
Hawaii 26.7 28.6
Idaho 24.0 25.8
Illinois 27.5 29.3
Indiana 26.1 27.4
Iowa 25.8 27.4
Kansas 25.5 27.0
Kentucky 25.4 27.1
Louisiana 26.6 28.2
Maine 26.8 28.6
Maryland 27.7 29.5
Massachusetts 28.8 30.1
Michigan 26.9 28.9
Minnesota 26.6 28.5
Mississippi 26.0 27.5
Missouri 26.1 27.6
Montana 25.7 28.5
Nebraska 25.7 27.2
Nevada 26.2 28.1
New Hampshire 26.8 29.3
New Jersey 28.1 30.1
New Mexico 26.1 28.1
New York 28.8 30.3
North Carolina 26.3 27.9
North Dakota 25.9 27.5
Ohio 26.6 28.4
Oklahoma 24.8 26.3
Oregon 26.4 28.5
Pennsylvania 27.6 29.3
Rhode Island 28.2 30.0
South Carolina 26.7 28.2
South Dakota 25.5 27.0
Tennessee 25.7 27.3
Texas 25.7 27.5
Utah 23.5 25.6
Vermont 28.8 29.3
Virginia 26.7 28.6
Washington 26.0 27.9
Washington DC 29.8 30.6
West Virginia 27.3 25.7
Wisconsin 26.6 28.4
Wyoming 24.5 26.8
The Average Age of Marriage by State (Must Read) The Average Age of Marriage by State (Must Read) Reviewed by Femtech on June 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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