Most women are the course of there problem, Lovepastor at the look of things in the society; most of the women are grandmothers. These we seem annoying to you but its the real fact about you and your life. You can make yourself A1 grandmother if you which to.
I look at things in my environs and country at large i compile them into writings. There are lots of grandmothers girlfriends all over the streets, working environment, in the bank looking for young guys to automatically end their struggles with. They we scum into your life genuinely indue of a parasite.
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What do Lovepastor mean by a grandmother; the sizes of your waist, the sizes of your pants, The sizes of your bra, your huge bounce pimples and greenish stoned faces and your finger nails? Look back in the days when you where young are they the same. "No Time to Waist" when you where young, your age mate, class mate, course mate, a very good close friend of yours are deeply crazily, crawling, mad-over you both to be together, plan life, settle down and think about the feature? together you where busy craving way to see your grandfather.
You can be a Great Grandmother when you don't known the quality, the grade of men you enjoy your life with. At your youthful age you intentionally under estimate the power of your fellow friends, co-worker, close groups, course mate, age mate. You go after the power of money luxury expense. Luxury expense can't settle you down it all ends.
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When a guy of equal age limit approaches you on the way effeminately you look down on him, he's poor, he's note cute, he's not fat and have chest, she don't have hairs all overs he's face. When a young guy whose blood is still clothing fervently approaches you, perhaps try's to make friend with you? You underrate him in the name of money "The root of all evil" Whose fault Money can't buy love for ever it won't last longer. it ends at the exact sport.? Great Grandmother.
Quote: Don't intend to blamed the world none people in the world cheated on you choice-less decisions made you Grandmothers. Who Belle-Full Go Hungry, Belle-Full of Money today, you we be hungry of husband to marry?
Some Real Facts Why Girls Become Grandmothers.
Here LovePastor we disclose some of the points found in most females minds- choice-less reasoning make you a Great Grandmother Mostly on my Facebook pages."Q"
1. I am still young to marry you. Not young to date your grand father?
2. You are not fat and have bears all over your face? Do you have one, Great grandmother
3. I love men who have enough chest, huge body, bears, and dope well? Personal Decision Killers
4. I love men who gives me money all day and night, i just need for love. Money can't buy husband, it can't buy boyfriends.
Don't Forget To Read: How to Get Rid of Virginal Odor Fast.
5. I don't want to marry a footballer. Who do you intend to marry don't despite what God has given you to marry?
6. I want to marry into a family of richness. Have much have you achieve or save, Your bank account in Wema Bank Is 0.00kobo
7. Am not ready to struggle life with any guy, in pains and sorrow. Great Grandmother
8. I hate he's family member and its compound. Do you want to marry his family member and its compound. You can form your own family from him, Not compound, not family. work together and make an agreement.
9. I want a guy who club and dress always. Can you afford to clothe that guy to its fullest
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10. I want to marry a Doctor, Engineer, Banker, Lawyer. when you are just an ordinary Street Hustler.
11. I want a Guy who we be cooking and taking care of the household expense for me. Is he a sales boy you ignite an engagement ring on his hand. Great grandmother decisions.
12. I need guys whose working in oil and gas industry not a bet9ja hustlers, He earns more than the guy. month end without salary; bet9ja pays daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
13. I need a guy whose shine's he's head always not saving he's hairs. Are you the God that create the hairs on his head. There is a purpose for every creations.
14. I don't want to struggle in pains with him, i just need a guy whose already made to marry. Measure your life first. Measure your pants and your bra if it we size, if its already made?
15. I Want to marry and settled down with celebrities only. You want to choose celebrity for yourself, did God choose it for you? Great Grandmother. "No time to waste"
16. I want to marry a politician so that i can travel and enjoy my life to fullest. Evil heart is corrupted. grandmother?
17. Love don't exist what exist now is money? Can money buy character, likeness, love, understanding, when there is no money. what happens?
All the above mention is found among the girls nowadays; you don't care to plan life with any guy you need your own personal decisions, You can't create, you can't build human to life; but you can make your own personal decision from God's Own. "No time" You are busy going out with your grandfather aren't serious to date any guy that comes your way, nonchalant decisions and incessant attempt of your life busy dating your grandfather money whose up to Berri you; you where busy donating your fresh blood, skins, pretty face pimples with regular exchange of dry acidic blood. Who are you to blame? Great Grand Mother.
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Young teenage girls around so much busy deeply cropping and shaping their life arrogantly in the name of money. U, You love money at first and hate marriage! When you are into the grandmother hood you look for young guy to settle down and plan life with your crop face amazon pimples all over you? Whose Fault. Great Grandmother?
Your age mate of equal class, equal grade is emotionally making step in building a better place for both parties rather you are not serious to date just because Mr. Money is not available. Don't blame the world or men been cheated, men deceiving you or men used you and dumb-pt you. blame yourself. Great Grandmother?
You are not afraid of the able penis coming after you. The vain found around the penis region are you both age mate?
Who belle-full go hungry. Belle-full of money today, you we be hungry of husband to marry tomorrow? Money can't buy that husband?
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Most Women Are Grandmother's #Personal-Decision-Killers
Reviewed by Femtech
September 07, 2017