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10 Ways To Avoid Unnecessary Heart Break In Relationships

It hurts me a lot whenever a good relationship tearing apart scattering and striving in pains, it strive anxiety into my mind that most people don't know how to
maintain a good and long lasting relationship. So lovePastor have to say this read through  and understand? 

                      1. FOR GUYS. 
Guys if you love a girl and you're sure you love her, there are things you have to do to prove it: LovePastor listed make it understood  here.

1. Never push her to do the things, she doesn't want to do and don't you ever think of any sort of abuse.

2. Always try to listen carefully to her, and understand her.

3. Try to give her space to develop herself as a person.

4. Take very good care of her, in every possible way.

5.Try to call or text her, it goes a long way to remind her, that you are thinking about her.

6. Try to help her in every way you can.

7. Always worry about how she feels about things, worry about how she sees the world, try to get to know about her goals, and understand
why she lives her life the way she

8. Try to trust her, now I know this may be hard especially if you have trust issues, but if you love a girl you should be able to trust her.

9. Try complimenting her, believe me it hurts a girl when the guy that claims he loves her, but can't tell her she is beautiful. I mean you see her
in a new dress and you just walk away, that's really bad.

10. If you love a girl you'd accept her the way she is, you won't try to change her. You would love her for who she is today and not for what will be tomorrow, and you would feel blessed to have her by your side.

                    2- FOR LADIES.
LADIES, you also have a great part to play in a relationship, if you love that guy so much.  You are the home builders furniture,  you are mandated to build your home with standard of life the way you are suit with it.  LovePastor  has make it clare  here for you to understand?

1. You respect him, guys love girls who respect them a lot, you don't try to bruise his ego by being disobedient and disrespectful.

2. Listen to him whenever he is talking, never talk back at a guy or walk away from him. Sign of disrespect.

3. If you notice your guy is angry, don't be in a hurry to find out what his problem is, give it time, especially if he is hot tempered, allow his temper to cool before talking to him.

4. Try to get close to his family members. A guy would love you more, if he sees you are in good terms with his family.

5. Do not nag at him, guys hate it when girls nags at them. Very serious. 

6. Girls you just can't wake up one morning and say you want to change your guy, that's

If you want him to change, then give him time and reasons to change. Then you can mold him the way you want it to be?

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7. Try to show him how much you love and care about him, by being faithful. If you love your guy so much, I see no reason why your eyes should be on other guys.

8. Be independent, don't just sit around there and wait for him to do all things. Try to help out, guys value girls who can contribute positively to their lives. Hard working  and financially  stable. Not depending  on him alone?

9. Be neat, a guy would love his girl to be neat and presentable, don't be a talkative, guys hate that a lot. Respect yourself and your body.

10.Try to give yourself some pride and dignity, as a girl you deserve to have that. Don't make the mistake of throwing yourself at a guy, that's really bad. 

This is how I feel towards maintaining a better and long lasting Relationships.

I Read Remained:  LovePastor

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10 Ways To Avoid Unnecessary Heart Break In Relationships 10 Ways To Avoid Unnecessary Heart Break In Relationships Reviewed by Femtech on June 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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