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14 Simple Relationship Tips And Guide

I have little tips/tricks I want to share with my noble readers,  I found out most of the relationship  now immensely  grumbled in pains and distressful facts.  Its so annoying. Sandy incident that took placed in your life.   Listed here are facts,  tricks you need to known. From LovePastor

1. Sleeping alone is better than sharing your BED with someone who shares a BED with someone else
when you are not around...!

2. Cheating does not mean you have to k!ss, meet or have s£x with a third party. Once you find yourself deleting texts and e-mails so that your partner will not see them, you are already there.

3. If a man is crazy about you, pray he does not get well, if he is getting well, know that another woman
is giving him some tablets.

4. First love may not die, but true love can bury it.

5. If you still believe "LOVE IS BLIND" then I know for sure MARRIAGE WILL OPEN IT FOR YOU.

6. A woman's beautiful face attracts a flirt; A woman's beautiful heart attracts a lover; A woman's
beautiful and  character attracts a man.

7. Never you fall in love because you are lonely, fall in love because you are ready.

8. A blessed water is better than a cursed fried rice. A Godly poor man is far much better than an angry
rich man in marriage.

9. I will rather have you stay in your father's house that you are sure of than pack into a man's house
you are not sure of.

10. Most men base their capacity of manh@@d and their abilities to fertilize ovaries and produce
children. Any man can impregnate a
woman. The real deal is HOW MANY MEN CAN BE THE FATHER TO THEIR CHILDREN, not promoters

Quote: Never Get Lost in Any ramifications of Life.

11. HOLY Wives do not just speak in tongues they MANAGE their homes, make SUPER meals, raise GODLY kids, and finally, they bring out the KING in their man.

12. When you tend to your garden diligently you will be the one to reap the fruit of the vine hereof.

13. You can say "sorry" a million times, say " I love you" as much as you want, say whatever you want,
but if you are not going to prove that, the things you say are true, then do not say anything at all.
Because if you cannot show it, your words do not mean a thing.

14. Never you lie in order to satisfy somebody for a moment because the pain that you cause them in
the future can last them for a lifetime.

I Remained: LovePastor

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14 Simple Relationship Tips And Guide 14 Simple Relationship Tips And Guide Reviewed by Femtech on June 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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